Ambassador Bailey: how do you feed raw?
What is your dog’s age? 17 months
What breed is your dog? Working cocker spaniel
How long has your dog been on a raw diet? We switched him the day we brought him home so since he's been 8 weeks old
Why do you choose to feed your dog a raw diet? Because for us it seems like the most natural diet possible for him. I did a lot of research and the benefits were fantastic, we have never looked back since we transitioned him over to raw.
What range of Wilsons raw frozen do you feed (Premium or Core 80|10|10)? We food both!
Is there a reason behind your choice between either the Premium complete or Core 80|10|10 raw frozen ranges? If so, please explain why! Bailey can sometimes be a bit funny with added veg in his meals so I like to mix it up and give him the core raw range too- however since we have fed Wilsons he's never turned his nose up to the ones with veg!
What is your dog’s favourite Wilsons raw frozen recipe? Oh this is a tough one, he really loves the lamb and chicken options!
If you feed 80|10|10 raw, what DIY extras do you add to your dog’s meals & why? We add kefir, as it's great for the tummy, plaque off for his teeth, pumpkin for his anal glad and we like to add extra bones, so things like duck necks, wings, feet even lambs ribs-the bones are amazing for cleaning the teeth
Please tell us your favourite raw combination and how you like to create your dog’s favourite meal! So we love to use Lamb Tagine with a sprinke of plaque off, some fishy crunchy sprinkles, frozen kefir stars, frozen pumpkin toucans and a cheeky duck neck for an added extra.
In what way do you feed your dog their raw diet and what does your dog love about it? We usually always feed either in a Toppl, Kong, Lickimat or Lickibowl. Bailey has to work for his food and it lasts that bit longer! I also occasional freeze it in the enrichment item to last extra long!