10 ways dogs express love to humans

10 ways dogs express love to humans

 From Nose Nuzzles to Body Snuggles

Understanding the signs of love from your dog

The connection between dogs and humans has always been strong; for many of us, they are simply a part of the family. It’s a bond and relationship that’s good for both body and mind, for them and us. Nothing beats that warm fuzzy glow of returning home to our furry friends, who are ecstatic to see us and encourage us to stroll together after a day at work. 

We all know a wagging tail means a dog is happy, but what about all the other signals our dogs make to try and communicate how much they love us? Could you spot the hidden ways dogs express love to the family?  Check out our canine Love List to ensure you recognise all the pawsitive signs of love from your four-legged friend. 

The Canine Shadow

Dogs love to follow us around everywhere; when we get out of bed, use the bathroom, or make a cup of tea, they will be there, looking up at us!  Being near us makes them feel secure and connected and for many dogs they want to help keep us safe. 

The Lick of Love 

It may not be the most hygienic of habits, but licking is a natural sign of affection in dogs. It's like they say, "You're mine; you’re so special!" It's also a sign of submission and respect.

I’m watching you! – An adoring dog will love to stare at you and regain your eye gaze.  It’s a real bonding moment. For humans, oxytocin levels increase (the love hormone), so it is good for us too.  You might even notice your dog softens its gaze when the vision is locked in! It’s a sign of affection and trust and hugely helps with connection. 

Love nose no bounds 

Dogs gains great comfort in smelling our natural scent, but they also love to nuzzle into us to swap scents too.  It is also an important way for them to bond and get attention, sweetly and gently.  

Toy Story 

It’s not a case of ‘throw this ball for me’; when dogs bring you their favourite toy, the desire to play is not just for their own happiness; it’s also a sign that they want to spend time with you as well as share something with you that they perceive as very precious. 

Lean on me 

Dogs often lean on or rest their head in the owners' hands. The physical closeness is a sign that they want to be near you and feel emotionally connected. The human equivalent of holding hands!

Show me the Tummy – bowled over by love; when a dog rolls onto its back, displaying its stomach, it is often to seek attention, usually a belly rub! But it’s also a sign of trust and shows they feel safe in your presence. 

The Double Yawn – Don’t be offended if your dog yawns when you yawn; they will rarely be bored, but more likely be mirroring the behaviour of those they love. It’s simply a sign of connection and empathy.

The Bodyguard – much like the movie, our four-legged friends are desperate to keep us safe and protected. Dogs see their humans as part of the pack and can feel responsible for their safety. Admittedly, sometimes the protective barking can be a little annoying, but no love story comes without a little drama! 

Wee Salmon Crunchies

Love Right Back Atcha!

Helping to keep our canine companions fit and well is the best way to show our dogs that we care just as much —from regular exercise, spending time together, and feeding them a natural and nutritious diet. Visit Wilsons to learn more about nutritionally balanced meals,  tasty treats and supportive supplements to help keep your dog happy and healthy.

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